Jacquelyn Myrin

Jacquelyn Myrin is an energy healer, plant medicine practitioner, yoga teacher, breathwork facilitator, and co-founder of the Tikkun Healing Center. She was introduced to Ayahuasca and the world of plant medicine through her husband, Alex. Jacquelyn was inspired to explore the inner work thanks to his example, which led to a profound healing experience with Ayahuasca that changed everything. Her intention is to be of service to others by helping them connect to their own inner wisdom as they heal and learn self-love. She believes that all roads lead back to the heart and encourages those feeling the call to try plant medicine to lean into the process. On the other side of that journey is deep, rewarding healing.

If you are considering attending an Ayahuasca retreat or breathwork session or would like to experience other plant medicines at Tikkun and are curious about Jacquelyn’s perspective on this process, keep reading for more information in our Q&A. This interview is meant to be read as inspiration. 

Jacquelyn is passionate about the transformative power of plant medicine. As a healer and guide with a grounding, comforting presence, she is here to be of service to others as they heal and come home to themselves. If you ask her about her first experience with Ayahuasca, she’ll tell you that she’s been changed ever since. “It was so deeply profound. I now know that it’s safe to love authentically, that it’s safe to be vulnerable. That is where my strength lies.” 

What advice would you give someone preparing for their first ceremony? 

If you are receiving the call from Ayahuasca, lean into that, accept the call. Lean into all of the ranges of emotion you feel when you do answer that call. All emotions are necessary and none of them should be suppressed in any way. Trust you’re being called to Ayahuasca for a reason. You’ll come out the other side in a deeper, more heart-connected space. We are taught to have compassion for others, to love others, to “see through the eye of the heart.” This work is about seeing back in through the eye of the heart to receive that compassion for ourselves. 

What do you love about plant medicine? 

There are so many reasons why I love plant medicine. Firstly, I love plant medicine because it comes from the earth. These plants have intelligence and when we take them we are communing with them. And when we are quiet enough we can start to receive downloads from these plants. These downloads can teach us not only how to be more connected to Mother Earth, but also show us how we are in relationship to ourselves and others. Plants are powerful teachers and have so many healing properties, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  

And furthermore, I have so much gratitude for plant medicine because of what it has done – not just for my life, but for my family, and watching how it expands out beyond our family. If you are living from a healed and more authentic version of yourself, it touches others, even if they never take plant medicine. I love the ripple effect of how the healing touches everyone. This is the power of communing with these plants.

How have you changed as a result of working with plant medicine? 

My work with plant medicine began before I took plant medicine because of the work my husband did. I saw his compassionate way of turning inward, which opened the conversation for “ if he’s willing to look at himself and say something’s got to change, maybe there’s something in me that needs to change.” Not just to better myself, but to better my relationship with everyone. When I took plant medicine for the first time, it was like the veil dropped, it was a very clear picture of the ways I was holding myself back from living a deeper, more connected life, rooted in love. 

What does being of service mean to you?

Being of service through plant medicine has a sense of reciprocity in that we’re all benefiting from this work for the greater good of the world. The healing continues to extend and ripple out from each person that is willing to look inward. It’s that interconnectedness to the world, it’s a way to give back. Not just to humankind, but to this whole entire planet.  It’s easy to be of service and to want to be of service in this way because I see how much of an impact it has. And to truly serve with an open heart. 

What can people expect when they work with you?

I want to be of service so that people can feel safe and lean into this process. Sometimes people just need a little extra love and reassurance that they can do this on their own, to realize that they are their own best healer. What I offer to Alex’s counterpart is that I am rooted in the divine feminine energy. Another way of saying that is people feel a motherly energy from me – and not just because I am a mother. You could say I embody the mother archetype. So people can be drawn to that warm, loving energy that I offer.  

You are also a certified energy healer. What does an energy healing session involve? 

I offer energy healing and use components of Reiki (hands on or byosen scanning) in the session. The session is a journey. I combine breathwork with sound healing (using sound bowls, rattles, and drums, etc.). I use crystals, smoke clearing with palo santo or sage, and essential oils. I listen to what a person’s body is telling me, it leads me to where there are physical or energetic blockages, and listen for things their body may want them to know. Afterward, I leave time for integration and let people know what came through for me and allow them to share what came through for them. And offer guidance on what they can do or take away from the session, such as helpful tools and practices in everyday life.

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